Top model: Ella es la abuela más bella del mundo con 63 años de edad

Si bien es cierto que la belleza no se limita a lo físico, sin duda permanecer joven es algo que muchos deseamos, por eso existen tantos productos de belleza en el mundo, para cubrir las arrugas, retardarlas, etc, sin embargo esta top model de 63 años nos demuestra lo contrario.

Actualmente considerada la abuela más bella del mundo, Yazemeenah Rossi ha sorprendido al a todos con su impresionante belleza a su edad, lo mejor de todo es que lo ha logrado con rutinas especiales, cuidados de la piel.

Yazemeenah Rossi

Nacida en Francia, Rossi se ha consolidado como una modelo, aunque comenzó tarde a los 30 años, ha logrado obtener un gran contrato a los 45.

Mira lo impresionante que se ve en sus fotos, de verdad muy linda y conservada no crees?.

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When I was teen I did not like my round face that made me feel being like a full Moon that was also increasing an Asian feeling that comes from my mother side far Mongolian ancestors … now that roundness is what keeps my face like out of time and lift things up 😉 Like I did not like as well my tiny boobs that had been a complex for a long time as I wanted to be curvy like a “real woman”and now it is what gives me a body like the one of a teenager and I like it🤗 For a while I wanted in my 30es to have my boobs done but had no money for it, my priority being to raise my 2 children becoming single mother …but also because I always had an awareness of the sacred of the body…the idea to do this to my body was hurting me as I always found the skin so perfect in itself without sims of any kind …so this was creating in myself a conflict … then in my 40es I had the money but it is when I started to realize that this was an asset and not a problem and had not anymore the desire to have bigger boobs…now I am so happy that I have not done this 🤗 It is funny how the aging process can bring some peace and love to the self like it never did when younger but also very interesting how life brings on my path the exact circumstances to discover who I am and what is really important for me. Only aging can bring this awareness and wisdom. I am so thankful to have lived these 62 years and wonder what’s next will unfold, very exciting! 🙏✨💙 Thank you to @lorraineyoungphoto and her lovely team for this beautiful portrait.

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Es una feliz abuela de dos nietos, no tiene problemas con su edad, al contrario, le encanta presumirla, tanto así que lleva felizmente su cabellera totalmente blanca, como anécdota contó que una linea de tintes le ofreció una gran suma de dinero por teñir su cabellera y se negó.

Sus secretos, practica meditación, yoga, se mantiene en contacto con la naturaleza, además es una artista de la pintura y la cerámica, mantiene una vida tranquila sin estrés.

Qué grato es conocer personas que sean ejemplo para todos, que nos enseñan que no hay edades para lograr tus sueños. 

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